Northcote Intermediate School

Endangered Species and Important Places



Thank you to our teacher, Miss Troy who was enthusiastic and let us take part in this project and worked hard to motivate us. Thank you to our AP, Mrs McCabe who organised our camps and was enthusiastic. Thank you to Megan, the Living Heritage coordinator who helped us with the technical details and particularly with the pictures, picture books, videos and backgrounds all making a brilliant final presentation of our site! Thank you to Lynne our ICT helper. Thank you to our fantastic parents/caregivers, especially those who gave up their valuable time to help us with camp! Thank you to the National Library for having the idea of the Living Heritage website. We are very pleased to be able to put our work on and we look forward to seeing work from other schools. We tried hard to research our facts well and we hope our information is accurate, but please excuse any mistakes you may find. We hope people reading our information will continue with their own search and gather information from many sources. We are lucky to have these special places and incredible animals.

Thanks readers for coming and we hope you enjoy our site as much as we enjoyed making it!