Waitaki Valley School

Why Waitaki?

Staying in the Waitaki Valley


This graph is about why people live in the Waitaki Valley. The popular reason for staying here was friendly people and a safe peaceful environment. We surveyed 55 people but we have 69 answers because some people gave more than one answer.

by Jackie and Beth

Here are our photos of some of the lifestyle opportunities in the Waitaki Valley.


In the Waitaki Valley it is good to ride horses in wide open spaces and up in the hills. You can get riding lessons.

photo by Rebekah

We can do motorbike riding in big areas. Most children ride motorbikes on the farms.

by Hugh

Riding a motorbike.
Milking the cow.

The first thing you do when you want to milk a cow is tame the cow. You get two rags, one you use for water and the other is for drying. You clean the teats with them and then you milk.

by Francziska

People come from many places to holiday at the Waitaki Lakes.  You can fish, swim and go boating.

Many people camp here in the summer

By Bailey and Finn