Home-Happy 100th Birthday Edgecumbe Primary School
- Our team
- Learning outcomes and reflections
- Our research process
- The First Edgecumbe Primary School
- Our Edgecumbe Primary School today
- Room 7's learning journey
- The Jubilee Committee and the Big Birthday preparations
- How our school prepared for the Big Day!
- Room 1 - The Historical Room
- Friday - The day before 'Happy Birthday'
- Friday - The night before 'Happy Birthday'!
- Saturday - Happy Birthday Edgecumbe Primary School!
- EPS finally plants our trees!
- References and acknowledgements
Happy 100th Birthday Edgecumbe Primary School
Edgecumbe Primary School - Primary

Welcome to Room 7's story about Edgecumbe Primary School celebrating its 100th birthday!
Room 7 is a Year 2 class with two teachers. Whaea Lesa is the main teacher and Whaea Niki is the second teacher who helps to support one of our students. There are 18 children in this classroom.
Welcome to our story about our school celebrating its 100th birthday!
Our inquiry unit started in Week 5 in Term 3 and ended in Week 5 Term 4. Our actual celebration was in Week 4, held over two days, Friday the 7th - Saturday 8th November, 2014.
As our inquiry progressed, our story grew. While we began to think about what we were to present when our visitors arrived, we began to take more notice of what other people and classes around Edgecumbe Primary School (EPS) were doing to prepare for this celebration. We also began looking at some old class photographs of past students and teachers and then our children began to wonder what was school like for those people "once upon a time".
Our study was no longer about what Room 7 were doing to get ready for our special visitors, it became 'what was EPS doing to get ready to welcome home past students and teaching staff'?'
Whaea Niki and Whaea Lesa also thought our memories from this story might help our 6 - 7 year old children remember this special time, especially if they were to come back one day for the 125th celebration as ex-students.
Room 7 hope that students, teachers and families reading our story enjoy what they see. We had a wonderful and very busy time preparing for our special 'Happy Birthday Day' and if you are also preparing for a celebration like ours, we hope to see your special story here too one day!
From an 'I Care, Whakaaro Pai ki te Tangata' Class at EPS,
Room 7 children, Whaea Niki and Whaea Lesa
Edgecumbe Primary School