By Tegwyn & Sha’Uri

The Oamaru Collie Dog Club members come here every year to go in the trials for two days in April. The dogs have to chase the sheep and put them in a pen.

There are two types of dogs. They are heading dogs and huntaways. Huntaways bark at the sheep.

The people have to pat the dog when they are good.

They tell the dogs what to do by whistles or yelling.

The trials are for seeing what dog is the best dog.

The buildings are so they can eat and have a drink.

The Collie Dog Club was not always here. It used to be in Oamaru near the racecourse. They have been here for 36 years.

We visited Mr and Mrs Ferguson to see what the dogs do. Mr Ferguson has won lots of trophies.

Mr Innes showed us some dog trialling too.

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