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Living Heritage Homepage


Our Project

History of our Forest

Mrs George's interview

The people who helped in our Forest

Forest Poems

Worm Farm Cartoons

Worm Farms

Birds in our Forest

Mr McGowan's Interview

Mrs Hunter's interview

Mrs. Anne Tyas

Mrs Wilcox's interview


Trees in our Forest

Zero Waste at Campbell's Bay

Sarah Sheeran

Dr Richard Hursthouse

Our Forest now

Our Trip to KERP


Our Team

Curriculum Links



Campbell's Bay Primary School

Campbell's Bay Community Forest

Mr McGowan's Interview

Mr McGowan: Mr McGowan is our Principal.  He is the best Principal in the whole world.

This is the man who helped to start our forest.  He is very important at our school.  As well as planting trees, he plays cricket with the kids every lunch time and reads us funny stories.  Mr McGowan is our friend.

Who's idea was it to have a forest?

Mr McGowan, our Principal at Campbells Bay School, had the idea of having a clean forest with no weeds and rubbish and that was because he loves a tidy school.

Who fed the helpers ?

Mr McGowan would go up to the staffroom and make tea and coffee for everyone and would do baking.

Did Mr McGowan help clean up the forest?

Yes he did. He would go down there in old clothes and gumboots and would start picking at the weeds and picking up food wrappers and old drink bottles.

Did Mr McGowan plant any plants?

Mr McGowan helped plant lots of trees and shrubs.

Are you pleased with the forest?

Very pleased.

Will there ever be a board walk for the rimu track?

We don't have one planned at the moment.

How many trees have you planted?

At least 50 - hard to know.

How many hours have you worked in the forest?

Over the years, hundreds of hours, especially in the working bees on the weekends.

What did you want the forest for?

To be a place that was preserved for future generations, where flora and fauna (native) could flourish and where students from the school could use it for study purposes.

Did any of the old schools you worked at have a forest?

No, although I always tried to have as many native trees and shrubs planted as possible.

What are the changes you have noticed?

The trees that were planted in 1994 are really starting to gain some height.  The non-native trees have almost all gone (there used to be lots of pine trees on the border of the forest).

Did you know there is one pine tree left?

No, that's a surprise.

Lone pine: The last remaining pine tree

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