Fitzroy School

Holy Trinity Church

Research Process

Deciding on a topic

We met Mrs Theobald, a teacher for the Historic Places Trust, who told us about our challenge. We decided to investigate a feature of our local community and chose the Anglican church as we thought it might be the oldest building in Fitzroy. Because of that we thought it might have an interesting history.

Deciding what what we needed to know

In pairs we discussed what we wanted to find out about the church, and brainstormed the ideas on paper. We used those ideas to come up with one major question to lead us into our topic. We found that we wanted to know answers to other questions as well. Every time Mrs Theobald came to work with us, we planned out on paper what we were aiming to find out on that day and how we would get the information.

Finding the answers to the questions

We used a range of resources to do our research.

  • Interviewed - in person, over the Email and on tape
  • E mailed - Mrs Theobald regularly for advise, help and with information
  • Read a booklet on Holy Trinity Church
  • Read general information books on churches
  • Researched on the internet for information on English churches because that's where the Anglican church originated
  • Took photos of various aspects of the church to put on our pages

Recording information, writing, taping or photographing

We used a tape recorder, digital camera, brainstorm charts, our draft writing books, Microsoft Word and The Living Heritage website.

Presenting information on the website

We had to get most of our information on to a page on Word and copy, then paste it onto our page on the website. When we got it on the website it was all around the page so we had to put it in the right places. If we wanted to make changes on our work we had to click on 'Edit this page'. After we had made our changes we would have to 'Post the changes'. When we wanted to have a picture on the page we had to type in a key word with speech marks around it.

Evaluating the work

We read each others' work and talked about whether we had answered our questions well enough. Some of us had to rewrite information in our own words more clearly. Some of the information from the books was a bit hard to understand and we had to talk about it with Mrs Theobald or Ms Parker.

Written By Naomi